Who We Are

Our Mission Statement

North Raleigh Arts & Creative Theatre strives to offer the community entertaining, innovative, and artistically valuable theatre experiences in an intimate space. Additionally, NRACT is committed to nurturing a lifelong passion for theatre by offering quality theatre education classes.

Our Team


Managing Artistic Director



Acting Producing Artistic Director



Director of Education


Board of Directors

Tedd Szeto, President

Nathan Hamilton, Vice President

Hunter Taylor, Secretary

Vince Moss, Treasurer

Lindsey Atkins

Nikita Beatty

Sean Brosnahan

Kim Jackson

Dave Keats

Timothy E. Locklear

Sean Malone

Mike McGee

N’Kia (NLN)

Fred Sanborn

Chelsey Skalski

 Advisory Board 

Jim Allen

Yvonne Anderson

Jess Barbour

Melissa McGill-Davis

Ann Haigler

Juan Isler

Tina Morris-Anderson

Aya Wallace

David Wilk

Christopher J. Maxwell, Ex-officio



  • A community that is enriched, educated, and challenged through the power of theatre.

    • Education: We provide high quality education in a variety of theatre disciplines available to students regardless of socioeconomic background.

    • Inclusiveness: Committed to the inclusion of all persons, regardless of ethnicity, gender, cultural affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identification, economic class, disability, or religious affiliation.

    • Community: We are a locally comprised organization who endeavors to enrich the community at large

    • Opportunities: We provide opportunities in the theatre arts for participants of all levels from novice to highly experienced.

    • Positive Atmosphere: We provide a safe, encouraging, and supportive environment.

    • Artistic Excellence: We value high quality theatre productions within an intimate setting.

    • Fiscal Responsibility: We value financial sustainability within a balanced budget comprised of diversified revenue streams.

  • North Raleigh Arts & Creative Theatre (NRACT) is committed to providing an environment that is free from harassment, and that is inclusive to all persons free of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender identification, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.

    NRACT is committed to providing an environment where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity and have equal opportunities. All persons working or associated with NRACT will be expected to uphold and abide by our code of conduct, including refraining from any form of harassment, bullying, or discrimination.

    NRACT is committed to an artistic environment that is welcoming to all people, regardless of ethnicity, gender, gender identification, cultural affiliation, sexual orientation, economic class, disability, or religious affiliation. NRACT is committed to having representation from a diverse group that express our core values of inclusion and diversity.

  • North Raleigh Arts & Creative Theatre strives to make our theatre accessible to patrons with disabilities.  If there is any way that we can make our theatre more accessible to you, please let us know.

    Parking: There is one car-accessible space directly in front of the theatre.  Additional spaces, including van accessible spaces are located in front of Food Lion.

    Lobby: Accessible by double doors, at ground level.

    Theatre: At ground level and accessible by double doors. Aisle accommodates a wheelchair.  Spaces for wheelchairs are available in first  row. Existing chairs do not have arms.

    Restrooms: Our restrooms have grab bars, and are wheelchair accessible.  

    If you would like to discuss other accommodations that would improve your experience at NRACT, please contact us at ops@nract.org or 919-866-0228.

  • All ticket sales are final. There will be no refunds. You may, however, exchange your tickets for a future performance of the same show.  In lieu of an exchange, you may also convert your tickets to a tax-deductible donation.

    In case of inclement weather, NRACT will make show calls at 4:30 for 7:30 performances and at 12:00 for 3:00 performances.

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